Aref Chemical We are always the second Mon, 15 Apr 2024 10:23:07 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Aref Chemical 32 32 Wood glue applications in handicrafts will surprise you Tue, 16 Apr 2024 10:00:02 +0000  


The use of wood glue in crafts is to connect wooden parts and also to glue other materials to wood. This glue is produced in different types and each one is suitable for specific purposes. Wood glue, the constant friend of creatives and artists in handicrafts, with a strong and invisible connection, gives life to pure and elegant ideas. From making simple and functional objects to creating delicate artistic masterpieces, wood glue is with us in every stage of handicrafts. In this article, we will journey into the world of wood glue applications in handicrafts and create amazing works of art with creativity and elegance.

Definition of wood glue

Wood glue refers to a variety of glues that are precisely designed to stick wood to wood. By penetrating the wood fibers, the formula of this glue creates a bond stronger than the wood itself and ensures the integrity and longevity of the carpentry work.

Advantages of wood glue

The advantage of buying wood glue

The magic liquid of wood adhesive gives us the power to connect pieces of wood and create a world of creativity. The advantages of this article are as follows:

  1. High adhesive strength: After drying, the wood glue creates a strong connection between the parts.
  2. Ease of use: Using wood glue is very easy and does not require special skills.
  3. Reasonable price: wood adhesive has a more reasonable price compared to other glues.
  4. Diversity: different types of wood glue are suitable for specific uses.


As you read, easy use, adhesive strength, and affordable price are among the advantages of this widely used material, and they show us more and more about the uses of wood glue in handicrafts.


Tips for the correct use of wood glue

Before using wood glue, it is better to know its tips. In this way, you will not have problems while working.

  • Before use, clean and dry the desired surfaces.
  • Use sufficient and appropriate wood glue and apply it to the desired surfaces and parts.
  • Press the surfaces together for a few seconds to create a tight bond. To connect the wooden pieces, use clamps or clamps to fix the pieces in place.
  • Wash your hands with soap and water after use.
  • Store wood adhesive in cool and dry places.

Choosing the right wood glue for crafts

Choosing the right wood glue

To choose the right wood glue, you should pay attention to the type of work the desired wood and the. For example, if you want to glue two pieces of wood that are subject to pressure and impact, you should use epoxy wood glue.

Unparalleled adhesion power in crafts

Wood glue creates a strong and permanent connection by penetrating the pores of the wood. This material helps you in making durable and lasting wooden objects. From making wooden bookshelves and tables to creating delicate sculptures and wooden ornaments, wood adhesive will be your constant companion along the way.

Unique variety for different tastes

Wood glue is available in different types of liquid, and tube and Each has its uses and features. For example, liquid wood adhesive is more suitable for gluing large surfaces and tube wood glue is more suitable for gluing fine and small surfaces.

Safety in the use of wood glue

  • Use gloves and a mask when using wood glue.
  • Avoid contact with wood glue with eyes and skin.
  • In case of contact of wood glue with eyes and skin, wash immediately with plenty of water.
  • Be sure to keep out of the reach of children and pets.

Types of wood glue

Types of wood glue

Glue sticks are produced in different types. Of course, each has its characteristics and uses.

  • PVA wood glue: the most common type for general use. Such as connecting handicrafts, all kinds of wood, cardboard, and paper.
  • Epoxy wood glue: This type is the strongest type of wood adhesive and is suitable for connecting wooden parts exposed to pressure, impact, and uneven surfaces.
  • Cyanoacrylate wood glue: a fast and strong glue suitable for connecting small and delicate craft parts. This type dries quickly.


Wood glue applications in handicrafts

  • Making wooden objects: From making bookshelves and wooden tables, and simple wooden boxes to creating delicate wooden sculptures, wooden signs, and decorative objects, wood glue will be your constant companion along the way. Because wood glue plays an essential role in making wooden objects with high precision and elegance.
  • Repair and restoration of wooden objects: If one of the wooden objects or handicrafts in your home is damaged, you can easily repair it using this glue. It is also widely used in repairing and renovating damaged wooden objects such as furniture, photo frames, and toys. Buying wood glue is necessary for minor repairs of wooden furniture.
  • Creative crafts: Using wood glue, you can use your creativity and create unique crafts. Making wooden sculptures, inlaying, inlaying, and meshwork are only a few of the limitless creations that can be created with wood adhesive in the world of wooden handicrafts.
  • Wooden decorations: wood adhesive is very effective in decorating various objects and gives them beauty. It is also suitable for sticking all kinds of wooden decorations such as gems, pearls, and shells on wooden surfaces.
  • Model making: by buying wood glue, wooden models such as airplane, ship, and house models can be made more easily than before.
  • Carving: It is very useful for gluing wooden parts in carving.
  • Al-Maraq: Wood glue is used to stick wooden parts in Al-Maraq.
  • Making ornaments: It is used in making wooden ornaments, such as necklaces and bracelets.
  • Making toys: It is used to make wooden toys.

As you can see, by buying wood glue, you can create countless crafts.

Application of wood glue in crafts


Boundless creativity with wood glue in crafts

Wood glue is a powerful and widely used tool in the world of crafts. Using it, you can use your creativity and create beautiful and practical objects. With a little creativity and the use of glue sticks, you can open up a new world of ideas. In the following, we mention the wood glue applications in handicrafts

Embossed panel with wood glue

An interesting artwork in wood glue applications in handicrafts is the making of relief panels. In the design of relief panels, without any restrictions in choosing and using all basic materials, let your creativity be unlimited. Meanwhile, the beauty and visual art can be seen in the relief paintings, it is admirable and dazzles the eyes of every viewer. In this part, we teach wood glue relief painting to those who are interested. Wood adhesive can be combined with wood, flour, ceramics, paper, and other objects.


Embossed with wood glue

Some artists prefer wood for embossing and do embossing on wood with wood adhesive. In this way, beautiful wooden relief panels are created by outstanding artists and are also highly durable. These panels are used in interior decoration to decorate the walls. Embossing with wood glue and ceramic paste is another type of embossing that many artists are interested in. These panels are widely used in interior decoration design and are suitable for office places and homes.


The steps of the embossed panel with wood glue

First, draw the desired design on parchment paper. Finally, carefully transfer the work onto the board. In this process, first, you need to grease your hands and take a little of the dough. To prevent the dough from drying, put it in a plastic bag. Then spread the dough on the glass or non-stick surface with a rolling pin. This step is like working with edible dough.

Then put parts of the design on the dough and cut. Each part of the design to be highlighted is molded with this paste and placed on the work. Then the work is placed in the open air to dry, its duration varies depending on the amount of work. Finally, you can use shellac or regular acrylic paints to paint the work. Embossing techniques with wood glue require subtleties that will become apparent in practice. Add beauty to your home decor with the art of accenting with wood glue.

The role of wood glue in pottery

The role of wood glue in pottery

Wood glue is not only suitable for wood but also for various artistic industries. The waterproof property of this glue allows it to be used to protect moisture-sensitive products.

Therefore, in the art of pottery, the use of wood adhesive is very important. Professionals in this field are looking to buy and use this type of glue for pottery. One of the important uses of wood glue in pottery is to create a suitable surface for painting on pottery. In addition, this glue is also used for repairing and renovating pottery pieces.


Should we use wood glue to paint on pottery?

The use of wood glue in pottery and painting on pottery is necessary due to the low absorption of paint in pottery. Experienced people and beginners alike understand its importance while working.

For painting on pottery, it is vital to use materials that create a protective layer on the surface of the pottery, and buying wood glue is one of the best options. Failure to use wood adhesive on pottery will lead to incorrect coloring and possible damage to these works of art. Therefore, the use of wood glue for pottery is emphasized.

How to use wood glue for pottery

Before painting, ceramic dishes must be completely dry to ensure proper adhesion. Painting on wet ceramics is not possible. After drying, sand the surface for smoothness as any unevenness can negatively affect the quality of the painting.

Mix some wood glue with a little water in a container. Dilute the glue enough that you can easily apply it to the pottery with a brush. First thin the wood adhesive, then apply it on the dishes with a brush. Coat the pottery with diluted wood glue using a brush, making sure to apply one-way strokes to avoid uneven surfaces.

You need about 12 hours for the wood glue to dry on the clay. Before the wood adhesive dries completely on the clay, avoid using oil paints to prevent the paint from spreading and spoiling the design.

Creativity without borders; Application of wood glue in crafts

final word

Wood glue is an essential tool in every creative artist’s toolbox with its unique adhesive power, variety, and many uses. With creativity and elegance and by relying on wood glue applications in handicrafts, turn the world of handicrafts into a canvas for your pure ideas and create unique artistic masterpieces. By buying wood glue, in addition to connecting wooden parts, you can also make relief panels, make replicas and toys, and do minor repairs.

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Desired Paint; Make Your Own Color! Tue, 05 Mar 2024 15:23:39 +0000 How to make the desired paint?

Are you interested in making your desired paint to create beautiful works of art and professional building painting? So, first, you need to get acquainted with the basic principles of color combination. In many cases, to paint or make building paint, you must mix different colors to get the color you want. For people who want to learn the skill and art of painting and color making, from painting on a panel to painting a building, it is better to be familiar with the method of making new colors, the method of combining colors, color ral chart, color table, master colors, etc. In this case, they will use beautiful and new colors to create their painting art. In this article, we will teach you how to combine colors so that you can do it yourself and make all kinds of new colors at home and use them for things like painting the walls of a building, drawing, or painting.

Do you know primary and secondary colors?

What are primary colors and secondary colors?

To combine colors professionally, you must first be familiar with different colors to do the work of creating a new desired paint in the best possible way. After familiarizing yourself with the principles of color combination, you use these rules to make various building paints and do the work related to drawing and painting beautifully.

  • Primary colors are the purest colors in nature. Other colors are created from the combination of primary colors. In nature, only three colors namely red, blue, and yellow are the primary colors. They make other beautiful colors using these colors. By combining primary colors, you create more diversity in your works of art. Also, you can use these combinations for different designs and unique paintings. Therefore, as a professional artist, you will create unique works after getting to know the main colors and their combination.
  • Secondary colors are created from the combination of two primary colors. These colors, including purple, orange, and green, are used in various designs, including image painting and logo design, adding beauty and appeal to your artwork. By combining secondary colors, you will add a wide range of colors to your works, and in this way, you will be able to create unique and unique designs. As an artist, a complete understanding of these secondary colors and their combination will help you create creative and attractive works.
  • Mixed colors are created by combining a primary color with secondary colors. These color combinations, such as the combination of yellow and bold green, create beautiful colors. By combining these two colors, you can create a pistachio nut green color, which is one of the most beautiful and pleasant combined colors. This shows more variety that can be created in works of art by using the combination of primary and secondary colors.

First of all, it is better to recognize the types of primary and secondary colors. In this way, you will have the right choice to combine different colors. Every color in the world falls into one of these categories: mixing colors is very important because it creates more variety in designs and paintings. For this purpose, you should pay attention to all the tips related to the combination of colors and use this information to create your desired color and unique works of art. It is interesting to know that colors have different characteristics and have a special effect on human behavior.

How to make your desired paint by using the master color and a white base?

make your favorite paint. making favorite color

Use the following method to create a new desired color using the mother color and combining it with the white base color:

  1. Choosing the mother color: First, choose the mother color you want. Any color you want to combine with white is the mother color.
  2. Combination with white color: Then add some white color to the mother color. The amount of white determines the brightness or darkness of the final color. The higher the amount of white, the brighter the final color will be.
  3. Color combination: Mix the ingredients very well to achieve the final color. Do this with a stick or other tool.
  4. Test and adjust: Test the final color on paper or another surface. If the final color is not what you want, add more white or mother color to get the desired color.

Please note that it is always better to start with a small amount of color and then gradually darken or lighten the color. With this, you get the final color more accurately. With this method, you get different colors with different brightness and transparency. Note that to preserve its color and quality, it is better to use quality materials by the relevant standards.

How to produce master paint?

How to make master paint? making mother colors

To produce the master paint, proceed as follows:

  1. Accurate measurement of materials: This is one of the most important stages of paint production. Each of the paint manufacturers is sold in graduated containers and are combined according to the type of paint and the amount of use.
  2. Preparation of the paint base: The paint base includes pigment, solvent, resin, and fillers.
  3. Mixing: In this step, different materials are mixed.
  4. Adding mother color: To adjust the color (fam), pastes that have a high percentage of pigment and are called mother color are added to the product.
  5. Testing and adjusting: In this step, check the final color and make the necessary changes if necessary.

Please note that some master paints only mix with certain types of paint. For example, a mother oil paint will only mix with oil paint, a plastic master paint will only mix with plastic paint, and an acrylic master paint will only mix with acrylic paint.

How are different colored tints made?

The methods of preparing different color tints, make your desired paint tint

Different colored tints are usually made from a mixture of primary colors (red, yellow, and blue) or a combination of primary colors with white. To make different colored tints, we suggest the following methods:

  • Combination of primary colors:

Make different color tints by combining a mixture of primary colors (red, yellow, and blue). By changing the ratio of these colors, it is possible to make different colors.

  • Combination of main colors with white:

If primary colors are mixed with white, lighter, less saturated tints are created. This method is suitable for creating pastel colors and bright colors.

  • Using pigment colors:

To make colored tints, use pigmented dyes because they are added to different solutions to obtain colored tints.

In any case, to make different colored tints, it is better to use quality materials by the relevant standards to make quality and stable colors. Also, to achieve the desired color, trial and error and adjusting the ratio of materials to each other is necessary.

What is the color RAL table?

What is Color RAL table? RAL chart and codes

The RAL color table is a universal standard system for defining colors. This system was launched in Germany in 1927 with 40 colors. The main purpose of creating this system was to introduce a uniform system for industrial and commercial paints. The color RAL table contains color codes to identify and distinguish the types of colors used. These codes are as follows:

  • RAL 1xxx =Yellow
  • RAL 2xxx =Orange
  • RAL 3xxx =Red
  • RAL 4xxx =Violet
  • RAL 5xxx =Blue
  • RAL 6xxx =Green
  • RAL 7xxx =Grey
  • RAL 8xxx =Brown
  • RAL 9xxx =White/Black

Each color code in the RAL table refers to a specific color.

What is the method of identifying different colors with a code?

Identifying colors with code. What is color codes

To identify color types using code, use the following methods:

  1. HEX Color Code: This is a popular method for website designers. HEX color code is 6 digits. The first 2 digits determine the amount of red color, the second 2 digits determine the amount of green color and the third 2 digits determine the amount of blue color.
  2. RGB color code: The second way is to use RGB codes. They are obtained from the combinations of red, green, and blue.
  3. English names of colors: To use colors, you must know their English names.
  4. Using online services: Some online services provide the possibility of searching for the color name using the color code. You enter the color code in any format, such as color name, RGB, HEX, HSL, HSV, HWB, LAB, LCH, CMYK, XYZ, OKLAB, or OKLCH.

Each color system has its advantages and disadvantages, and the right choice depends on your specific needs.

Are tint and master paint related to building paint?

different types of master paints. plastic master pains Vs semi-plastic master paints

Yes, tint and master paint are related to building paints. Tint or computer color combination is a system in which a calculated and precise amount of color paste (master color) is added to a base color to achieve the desired paint. For this purpose, we briefly explain the special equipment and supplies needed:

  • First, you need to get a color mixing machine. This device injects the calculated amount of color automatically or manually.
  • You need computer software equipped with color formulas to calculate the amount of color paste.
  • Have a base color with a specific formula and known solvent and resin to add the colored paste to it.
  • Colored pastes should be designed according to the ability of the device and the base color so that it is compatible with the base color while coloring it.
  • A mixing device is required to make the mixed color uniform and homogeneous.
  • A color card or catalog is available. The customer or consumer should choose the desired color code from it and provide it to the device operator.

In general, tints and mother colors are important tools and enable the production of custom and precise colors in the building paint industry.

Types of master paints

Different types of master Paints are determined based on the type of color and their application. Below we introduce some types of common mother colors:

  1. Semi-plastic master paint: This type of paint is produced in green, lemon yellow, orange-yellow, red, blue, mung bean, brown, and black colors. These paints are used to tint the desired semi-plastic paint.
  2. Acrylic master paints: These are based on acrylic resin and are produced in green, lemon yellow, orange-yellow, red, blue, mung bean, brown, and black paints, as well as in metallic gold, copper, silver, and shell paints.
  3. Two-component car master paints: This type of master paint is used for cars.
  4. Clothing master paints: This type of mother paint is used for clothing colors.

Each type of master paint has different properties and uses and is used based on specific needs.

What is the semi-plastic master paint?

Semi-plastic master paint is a type of paint for preparing plastic paints and plastic coatings. This type of colorant is used as the main base for the preparation of plastic colors and adds various properties to the color, including color fastness, heat resistance, UV resistance, etc.

Semi-plastic base paint is usually provided by paint and plastic coating manufacturers and is a basic material used to prepare different colors. This type of colorant can be in powder or liquid form and can be combined with different types of resins and plastics.

The use of semi-plastic base paints in plastic industries and plastic coatings is a suitable solution to achieve the different colors and properties required for plastic products.


To make the desired paint by using the master color, there are steps to be followed. Such as choosing the master paint, choosing the base paint, mixing paints, testing the color, and finally, we come to the use of paint. By following these steps, create your paint using the mother paint and use it for your projects. To get the desired paint, take a look at the color table because it will be a good guide for you with different basic or mixed colors.

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Color Psychology; Effect of Environmental Color Psychology On The Quality of Life Wed, 14 Feb 2024 18:50:52 +0000 Tips on the color psychology of the human soul

Color psychology of the environment and the effect of colors on psychology in the interior decoration of homes and workplaces is the main topic of this article from the Aref Chemical company. Color psychology refers to the study of the effect of surrounding colors on people’s minds and emotional states and from the psychology of environmental color as an auxiliary factor in the treatment of diseases, creating positive changes in thoughts, mind, and body, adjusting job regulation by reducing job stress and increasing communication skills. Color psychology is also directly used in marketing and business matters.

The role of color psychology in promoting human mental health

What is the environmental color psychology?

Color psychology is the study of the effect of color on the psyche, perception, and emotions of humans. Colors have extraordinary powers and affect the viewer like energizing and warming nuclei. Experts in the field of color psychology examine the effect of each color on human behavior. One of the most important characteristics of environmental color psychology is the effect of colors on the unconscious level of humans.

Therefore, the color psychology of the workplace and home should be done in the best possible way and create a favorable environment for doing daily tasks. Choosing the right color will remove monotony and boredom from the place. For this reason, it is better to get detailed information about choosing the color palette for the office and home environment.

Color psychology and its use in interior decoration

The role of environmental color psychology in your mental health and peace of mind

The psychological theory of color shows how the color of interior decoration affects people’s mood, cognitive functions, creativity, and productivity. When surrounded by calming colors like blue or green, a person feels relaxed. Whereas if a person is surrounded by lively colors such as red, brown, or orange, he has energy and enthusiasm. It feels relaxing with neutral colors like white or gray.

According to scientific research, different color spectrums affect the human brain. The effects of colors may seem similar, but studies show that each person reacts differently to standard color schemes.


How does color psychology affect interior design?

Color schemes are one of the important factors in interior design. The color of the walls, furniture, natural elements, decorative pieces, lights, and appliances all play an important role in the human spirit. Therefore, it is better to choose the color of the interior design based on the personality and wishes of the customer. Choosing the right color makes people feel more comfortable and relaxed at home and increases productivity at work.

Based on the results of numerous studies in the field of environmental color psychology, each person reacts differently to each color. Some people find the black color depressing and demotivating. But others see black as a sign of order and performance. Some people find red threatening while others find it inspiring.

Therefore, it is better to ask your customers what kind of colors are most attractive to them. Even if they can’t pick colors, you’ll have an idea of what they like and don’t like. Let’s discuss the psychology of decorating color in detail so you can make a more informed and creative decision when implementing design ideas.

1. Red in color psychology

The psychology of color red and the psyche of people

Red is usually associated with stimulating the body and mind, increasing circulation and energy. Whether it’s dark shades like maroon or bright shades of ham red, they create an atmosphere of love and camaraderie. The red color on the wall gives excitement and vitality to the space. Choosing red in office buildings or home offices, in the living room and bedroom is a good option. Psychologically, red is the color of interior decoration in offices, inspiring leadership, willpower, high energy level, and friendship. When used in the living room, red in all its shades inspires friendship and stimulates conversation.

2. Psychology of the Color Blue

What is the psychology of color blue ?

According to the color psychology of interior decoration, blue is known as a symbol of calmness and confidence and has a positive effect on concentration. Due to the effect of color on the psyche, blue calms the mind and lowers blood pressure. Shades of sky blue and light blue have a healing effect on the mind. Blue is the only color with a set of positive effects and few negative effects on the viewer’s psyche. Most dark shades of blue are associated with elegance, luxury, and royalty. Blue lights also reduce any discomfort. In general, in color psychology, blue is a great color and works well with all modern and contemporary interior design trends.

3. Yellow role in color psychology

What is the psychology of color yellow?

Like any color, there are positive and negative psychological properties in yellow. This color helps to strengthen the energy by stimulating the nerves. Positive qualities for Yellow are happiness, optimism, and self-confidence. In interior design, yellow color is recommended for kitchens, dining areas, corridors, and bathrooms. This color automatically lifts people’s spirits and makes the room bright and sunny.

4. Green and the psychology of interior decoration color

What is the psychology of color green?

In interior decoration color psychology, green is known as a symbol of nature and renewal and can create a feeling of calmness and balance. Green is a powerful color in interior design. In addition, pale green pairs with the color of peas and helps calm the senses and lower blood pressure. Green can be used in different shades throughout the house. Use lighter shades on the walls and contrast the plants with dark green shades. This kind of dark shadow effect is neutralized because plants automatically remind people of nature. Green color has a calming effect with a sense of security, this feature makes it an ideal color for interior design.

5. Purple in color psychology

What is the psychology of color purple?

In the psychology of interior decoration color purple is usually associated with creativity and dreaming. Bright purple colors add charm to your design. Lighter shades of purple such as lavender and mauve create a calm but royal effect in decorating.

Since purple inspires creativity in ambient color psychology, you can add it to dressing rooms, closets, interior art studios, or even kitchens. This color is especially popular among teenagers as it encourages them to pursue creative and performing arts and helps them find their way. Purple color works well in the hall or living room where your guests spend time. It creates an essence of peace, elegance, and luxury.


What are the tips for successful use of color in decoration?

The effect of interior decoration color psychology on the relaxation of nerves

Color plays an important role in interior design and affects the mood, environment, and overall feeling of the space. Below are some essential points of environmental color psychology for the successful use of colors:

1. Understanding color theory

– Get to know the color wheel. It consists of three main categories:

Main colors: red, yellow, and blue. These form the basis of all other colors.

Secondary colors: they are created by combining primary colors (such as purple, green, and red-orange).

Tertiary colors: the result of combining secondary and primary colors or using primary colors is a ratio of 2:1.

– Use the color wheel to guide your choices and create harmonious color schemes.

2. Choose the dominant color

– Choose a dominant color for the base of your color palette. This determines the overall color of the room decoration.

– Use accent colors in smaller amounts to create visual appeal.

3. Mood with colors

– Lighter colors such as pastels create a feeling of relaxation and openness, so they are ideal for bedroom or living room decoration.

– Darker colors (dark blue, deep brown) are bold and work well for accent walls or focal points.

– Consider the emotions associated with each color using color psychology tips. For example:

– Orange, yellow, and red convey energy and excitement and are perfect for offices and public spaces.

– Green, purple, and blue with a soothing effect are suitable for the bedroom.

4. Use neutrals wisely

– Neutral colors (white, beige, gray) background are used for other colors.

– Experiment with different neutral shades:

Color: Add white color to make it bright.

Shadow: Add black for a darker color.

Tone: Blend the gray to make it a little darker.

5. Complementary colors

Complementary colors are opposite each other on the color wheel.

– Use them for visual impact, but avoid too much variety.

For example, pair blue with orange or green with red to create a balanced look.

6. Stability and flow

– Maintain uniformity throughout your home. Colors should flow seamlessly from room to room.

– Pay attention to the connection of colors when viewing from different angles or adjacent spaces.

7. Testing before project delivery

– Always test paint samples on the wall before finalizing the color.

– Natural light affects how colors appear, so view them at different times of the day.

8. Personalization with accessories

– Use soft furniture such as cushions, curtains, and carpets to introduce other colors.

– These accessories are easier to change if you want to update the look later.


The final word on the interior decoration color psychology

Environmental color psychology studies colors and their relationship with human behavior and health. The properties and characteristics of colors affect people. In this article, We explained the psychological effects of interior decoration colors on human behavior and emotions. Remember, the successful use of colors in interior architecture is associated with balance, harmony, and purpose. Find trend colors and trust your interests and tastes, get hands-on, and create a space that matches your personality and lifestyle.

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Building Paint, 6 Most Popular Construction Paints Thu, 01 Feb 2024 17:14:24 +0000 Building Paint

Building paint is used to decorate buildings. These paints are usually used for the interior and exterior design of buildings and give a change of environment and an attractive appearance to the buildings. These are available in a wide range of colors and combinations, depending on design goals and individual taste, they include a wide variety of different colors. The contents of this article will introduce you to the types of construction paints, their uses, and benefits. After reading this article, you will choose the right building color better than before.

What is building paint?

The paint of the building is chosen and used as one of the important factors in the beauty and attractiveness of the house. These paints usually include the exterior and interior paints of the building. Exterior paints are used for the exterior of the building and interior paints are used for walls, ceilings, windows, and doors. People choose the paints of the houses and buildings according to their taste, the type of building architecture, the environment around the building, as well as the light and temperature conditions of the environment.
If you need to change the mood and atmosphere of your home, painting the walls is a very advanced and low-cost method. With this work, you give vitality to your home and create a sense of freshness and freshness in the home and the environment.

Building Paint Types

Construction Paints are diverse and not limited to one item. In general, it includes the following:

Acrylic paint

These types of paints are water-based and do not contain petroleum. They can be easily used inside and outside the building. Acrylic paints have the properties of resistance to corrosion, boiling, waterproof, and high resistance to heat, sunlight, and moisture. The high quality of this paint is the main feature of acrylic or latex paint, and it is often used for wall design. On the other hand, it is part of flexible colors and can be applied on any surface.

There are different types of acrylic paint and it is divided into three categories: glossy, semi-glossy, and matte. It is more suitable for the walls of bedrooms and private halls. Washability is one of the advantages of acrylic paint. Acrylic paint consists of acrylic polymers.

Acrylic Paint Advantages

  • Fast drying: Acrylic paint dries quickly, artists can quickly move on to the next layers of paint and continue painting.
  • Water resistance: Acrylics have good water resistance after drying and do not change with water and humidity.
  • Flexibility: This paint can be used on any surface, including paper, wood, fabric, stone, metal, etc.
  • Resistance to sunlight: acrylic paint has a good resistance to ultraviolet rays and sunlight, and its color does not lighten over time.
  • Easy to clean: Acrylics are easily removed from surfaces such as cloth and plastic materials.

Due to these advantages, acrylic paint is a suitable choice for artists and painters.

Oil Paint

Oil paints are prepared based on natural oils such as linseed oil, steel, and walnut. They are used in the interior and exterior of the building and are known as resistant and long-lasting coating paint. This type of paint is made from natural or synthetic oils and is used for painting and coloring. These types of paints often have a thick and pasty texture.

Oil paint Advantages

  • Durability: Oil paints are durable and stable after drying, and paintings are preserved for a long time.
  • Mixability: These types of paints can be easily mixed and allow the painter to combine different colors and create a variety of works.
  • Rich Texture: Oil paints have a rich and pasty texture. In this case, the painter creates different effects on the painting field by using different materials such as additives or different methods.
  • Drying time: Oil paints do not dry completely, which allows the painter to work on his painting for a long time and make necessary corrections and changes.
  • Gloss: Oil paints have a special gloss and shine. With this feature, the painter gives more designs and motifs to his painting.

Despite these advantages, oil paints are one of the most popular types of paint for professional painters and professional artists.

Epoxy Paint

Epoxy paints are used to cover different surfaces. These paints are composed of a combination of epoxy resin with stabilizers and are ideal for covering industrial and commercial surfaces due to their high resistance to corrosion, heat, and impact. Epoxy paints are available in different types including solid, mixed, and powder paints, and are used by spray, roller, or panel to cover surfaces.

These types of paints are prepared based on epoxides and due to their high resistance to heat, breakage and corrosion, moisture, and heat, they are suitable for surfaces that are in constant contact with water and chemicals.

Epoxy Paint Advantages

  • High resistance: Epoxy paints have high resistance to pressure, corrosion, wear, and heat.
  • Short drying time: These paints dry quickly and require a short time to repaint.
  • Waterproof: These types of paints are waterproof and are more suitable for use in wet and wet environments.
  • Beautiful appearance: Epoxy paints create a smooth and shiny coating that gives a beautiful appearance to surfaces.
  • Flexibility: These types of paints can be applied on different surfaces and have high flexibility.
  • Chemical resistance: Industrial environments welcome it due to its durability against chemicals.

Polyethylene Paint

Polyethylene paints are used to cover polyethylene surfaces and polyethylene materials. These types of paints are used to cover and decorate surfaces such as pipes, tanks, bags, and other polyethylene products. These paints are usually composed of polyethylene and various additives, and due to their high resistance to corrosion, heat, and chemical changes, they are very suitable for use in various industries.

These paints have waterproof properties and high resistance to corrosion and wear.

Advantages Polyethylene Paints

  • High resistance: Polyethylene paints have high resistance to pressure, corrosion, wear, and heat.
  • Flexibility: These types of paints can be applied to different types of surfaces and have high flexibility. This feature allows them to cover curved and variable shape surfaces.
  • Chemical resistance: Polyethylene paints are highly resistant to chemicals and are welcomed in industrial environments.
  • Waterproof: The waterproof property of this type of paint leads to its use in wet, moist, and wet environments.
  • Short drying time: Polyethylene paints dry quickly and require a short time to reapply.
  • Appearance beauty: The smooth and shiny coating of this paint makes the appearance of the surfaces more beautiful.

Silicone Building Paint

Silicone paints are used to cover and decorate different surfaces. This type of construction paint consists of silicone polymers and various additives, and due to its high resistance to environmental conditions, heat, UV, and chemicals, they are very suitable for use in industrial and commercial environments. These paints are usually used to cover buildings, industrial equipment, tanks, pipes, and other surfaces.

Silicone paints have high resistance to heat, sunlight, and moisture, and for these reasons, they are suitable for the exterior of buildings. Silicone-based paints are made from polymer materials.

Silicone Paints Advantages

  • Thermal resistance: Silicone paints have high resistance to high temperatures and thermal changes. This feature makes them suitable for use in environments with high temperatures and thermal industries.
  • Chemical resistance: The high resistance of silicone paints against chemicals and acids is the reason for their use in industrial and chemical environments.
  • Flexibility: These types of paints can be applied to different types of surfaces and have high flexibility that allows them to cover curved surfaces.
  • Short drying time: Silicone paints dry quickly and require a short time to repaint.
  • Resistance to water and moisture: Silicone paints are waterproof and as a result, they are a good choice for wet and wet environments.
  • Beautiful appearance: This paint gives a beautiful appearance to surfaces by creating a smooth and shiny coating.

Fiber Paint

Fiber paints are used to dye synthetic and natural fibers. These colors are usually used for dyeing polyester, nylon, cotton, wool, and other types of fibers. They are liquid or powder and in some cases consist of resins, pigments, and other additives. Another use of these pains is to produce fabrics, carpets, clothes, furniture, and other fiber products.

This Building paint has high resistance properties against corrosion, wear, and heat and works better for metal and concrete surfaces.

Fiber Paints Advantages

  • High resistance to corrosion and wear: Fiber paints have high resistance to corrosion and wear and are suitable for metal and concrete surfaces that are constantly affected by external factors.
  • High resistance to heat: Suitable for surfaces that are affected by heat, such as heating pipes.
  • High resistance to chemical corrosion: Suitable for surfaces that are in direct contact with chemicals.
  • Beautiful appearance: The fine and thin fibers in it give a beautiful appearance to the surfaces.
  • Easy to use: Due to having fine and thin fibers, they can be easily used and sprayed.

Construction Paint Tints and Uses

Building paint plays a very important role in the beauty and attractiveness of buildings. Choosing the right color for walls, doors, windows and other parts of the building can have a great effect on attracting attention and creating a pleasant feeling in people. Bright and pink colors are suitable for small rooms and dark and matte colors are considered for large and open spaces. Also, cold colors like blue and green instill a sense of calmness and comfort in people, while warm colors like red and orange convey energy and freshness to the environment.

Last Word; The Important Role of Construction Paint in Daily Life

At the end of this article, it can be said that the choice of construction paint is very important and has a profound effect on the general atmosphere of the building and the mood of people. From colors that evoke a sense of calm and peace to colors that inspire energy and dynamism, they all play an important role in interior design. Colors can make a space warm and friendly or make it look open and bright. Considering the psychological and physical effects of colors, choosing the best color combination for the house requires careful consideration and consideration. Ultimately, whatever color you choose should match your lifestyle, taste, and preferences to create a lively and pleasant atmosphere.


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Semi-Plastic coating, Durable and Affordable Thu, 18 Jan 2024 16:46:04 +0000 Semi-plastic coating

Semi-plastic Coating; There are many choices among acrylic paint, plastic paint, and oil paint. To create a suitable and durable coating, the paint is applied on all kinds of surfaces using different techniques. We must keep in mind that the paint alone does not create a proper coating on the surface.

Semi-plastic coating is produced based on polyvinyl acetate (PVA). This paint has a high percentage of colored pigments in its composition and has excellent coloring capabilities. Therefore, by using its minimum amount, you can achieve the desired color.

Semi-plastic Coating Applications

Semi-plastic coating is suitable for painting the final layer of plaster, wooden, brick, slate, etc. surfaces. Because it dries relatively quickly and has a high resistance to sunlight and external conditions. Also, this coating is widely used in wall painting and fabric painting.

Physical and Chemical Properties

Resin base Polyvinyl acetate
Gloss level Opaque
Density (g/cm²) 1/62±0/05
Solids percentage by volume 2±30
Solids percentage by weight 2±60
Coverage (m²/L)
Consumable thinner Water
Storage temperature (C) 5 to 35

Advantages and Disadvantages

Advantages of Semi-Plastic Coating

  • Low price
  • Quick drying
  • Speed and ease of implementation
  • Excellent coverage and adhesion
  • Minimum amount of pollution and dust
  • Dilute with water
  • Not having a strong and unpleasant smell
  • Environmentally friendly

Disadvantages of Semi-Plastic Coating

Semi-plastic coating is less resistant to water than plastic coating. Therefore, this color cannot be washed and is mostly used to paint places such as ceilings, inside closets, etc., where there is less access.

This coating absorbs the water in the wet wipes and due to the change in the color structure, it is quickly absorbed by the wipes. Therefore, it needs to be repaired sooner.

How to use

To prepare the semi-plastic coating, the desired surface must be free of any dust, foreign particles, oil, and moisture. Dilute the paint with the right amount of water and apply it to the surface. You can use lapis lazuli powder for more coverage. Make sure to first add lapis lazuli using a little diluted water and then slowly add this solution to the semi-plastic cover.

The amount of combination of water and coating varies depending on the surface under work, the temperature of the environment, and the painting tool. In normal painting conditions, the brush is diluted 25%-35%, the roller 10%-5%, and the gun 40%-35% with water.

To reach a uniform surface, at least 2 to 3 steps of coating are required. Also, after mixing water and color, let it rest for a few hours until the color reaches the right concentration, and then start painting.


You can store this product for up to 3 years in a dry, cool environment away from sunlight. Also, after each use, make sure that the lid of the paint can is completely closed.

Safety Tips

In case of eye contact, rinse with cold water for 15 minutes and if swallowed, consult a doctor.

Hisense Semi-Plastic Coating

Hisense Semi-Plastic Paint is used for high coloring to tint all kinds of plastic and semi-plastic paints. The wide variety of Hisense paints leaves you free to reach your desired shade.

This paint produced by Aref Chemical Industries is sold in the following 8 colors:

  • Green
  • Brown
  • Red
  • yellow
  • Blue
  • Black
  • Mash Mud
  • White

For more information on this product and our other products, follow Aref Chemical’s page on Instagram. You can also contact us via email and WhatsApp.

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What Is Color Of The Year 2024? Pantone’s 2024 Color Sat, 23 Dec 2023 16:34:33 +0000 What Is Color Of The Year 2024?

Color of the year 2024 was announced in December. Choosing the color of the year is a mental and creative process that is often influenced by various factors such as cultural, social, economic, and design trends. Different organizations, design experts, and color authorities may have their methods to choose the color of the year. Pantone is one of the most well-known companies in this field. This company is very influential in the design and color expert industry in the world.

Color of The Year 2024 (2024 Color)

Pantone Company has announced the “Peach Fuzz” as the color of the year 2024. Of course, other companies have chosen and announced the color of the new year according to their factors. For example, “Benjamin Moor” has introduced the color “Blue Nova” as the 2024 color. The “WGSN” company, which is considered a world-renowned institute in the field of color science, has determined the color “Apricot Crush” as the color of the Year 2024.

Benjamin Moor's color of the year 2024, Blue Nova

Color of The Year Selection Factors

  1. Global trends: Examining trends in various industries such as fashion, design, art, and technology helps identify colors that match the current cultural climate.
  2. Social and political climate: Colors can be chosen to reflect or respond to the social and political climate of society and internationally. For example, choosing a certain color to evoke a sense of peace, hope, and optimism in people can be a criterion.
  3. Environmental Impacts: Colors are sometimes chosen with environmental issues in mind. Choosing colors inspired by nature or issues related to environmental protection is for this purpose.
  4. Fashion and design shows: Events such as fashion weeks and design fairs showcase emerging color trends. perception of what designers are using in fashion cycles or new product lines can influence the choice of color for the year.
  5. Consumer Preferences: It is important to understand what colors resonate with consumers and are likely to be popular in different markets. Surveys, market research, and consumer behavior analysis may be considered to identify public interest.
  6. Psychological impact: Colors can have psychological effects on people’s moods and emotions. Each year’s color may be introduced to evoke certain emotions or responses.
  7. Expert opinion: Some organizations rely on the expertise of a group of designers, color experts, and trend analysts to collectively decide on the color of the year.

The WGSN Company 2024 color, Apricot Crush

Pantone Color Institute

Pantone Color Institute is part of Pantone LLC. The company is mainly known for its Color Matching System (PMS). The Pantone color matching system is a standard color reproduction system widely used in the design and printing industries.

Pantone is responsible for selecting the “Color of the Year” and providing color trend forecasting and consulting services. Pantone enables a universal language of color for brands and manufacturers to make important color decisions at every stage of the workflow.

Pantone Services (Introducing the Color of The Year 2024)

  • Choosing the Color of the Year: Every year Pantone chooses a color that they believe reflects the cultural, social, and artistic trends of society. This color is often influential in various industries such as fashion, interior design, graphic design, and product design.
  • Color Trend Forecasting: The Pantone Color Institute analyzes global color trends and provides insights into color usage across industries. This includes predicting color trends for the coming seasons and years.
  • Consulting services: Pantone provides consulting services to various companies and industries. This consulting usually involves helping businesses choose colors for branding, product development, and marketing strategies based on their expertise in color psychology.
  • Color education: Pantone provides educational resources in the field of color theory, color psychology, and their application through its various platforms and provides them to those interested.

Pantone’s 2024 Color of the Year is often widely covered in the media and influences design and product development choices in many creative fields. Despite the influence of the Pantone Color Institute, other color organizations and institutes are also involved in the discussion and selection of colors of the year in various industries.

The color of the year 2024 has been announced by this company, velvet peach color. Immediately after its introduction, this color was welcomed by audiences and enthusiasts all over the world. Inspired by nature, velvety peach inspires a sense of belonging, self-regulation, and re-growth, and provides a relaxing space to be, feel, heal, and flourish.

Pantone Color Institute 2024 color, Peach Fuzz

Effects of Choosing the Color of the Year

Choosing the color of the year can have many positive effects on the fashion industry. This process affects the designers, retailers, and consumers of the world’s apparel branding in several ways:

  • Trend-setting:

The color of the year serves as a trend-setting guide for designers. This will help determine the direction of future collection design and provide a focal point for creative expression. Designers often incorporate color choices into their designs, helping to create a cohesive and cohesive aesthetic across brands.

  • Coordinated Collections:

Designers, retailers, and fashion houses may incorporate the color of the year into their seasonal collections. This coordination creates a sense of unity and cohesion in the fashion industry and makes it easier for consumers to interact with the latest design trends.

  • Interaction with Consumers:

Announcing the color of the year creates excitement and interest among consumers. Fashion enthusiasts and shoppers may be interested to see how a chosen color is interpreted and integrated into clothing, accessories, and beauty products. This prediction can drive consumer engagement and interest in new fashion offerings.

  • Marketing and Branding Opportunities:

The color of the year provides marketing and branding opportunities for fashion companies. They can use this process to create advertising campaigns, promotions, and product introductions that coordinate with the chosen color. This feature can increase the visibility and attractiveness of the brand.

  • Retail:

Retailers often use the color of the year to determine their business strategy and decisions. Storefronts, showcases and promotional materials can be designed to display products in popular colors. These actions create a consistent and attractive shopping experience for the customer.

  • Influence on consumer purchases:

Influenced by trends and the desire to stay current, consumers may be more inclined to purchase items with the color of the year. This increases sales and contributes to the overall success of fashion brands that are aligned with current trends.

  • Global impact:

Color of the year is not limited to a specific region or market. The event has a global impact and influences fashion trends and choices on an international scale. The global impact of the Pantone Color of the Year is especially important for fashion brands with a broad customer base.


In short, choosing the color of the year helps set trends, foster creativity, and increase the overall vibrancy of the fashion industry. The sense of unity, excitement, and expectation in the customer and the positive effect it has on designers, retailers, and consumers are all considered to be the positive consequences of adopting and announcing the color of the year.

You can see the color code of 2024 (RAL Color 2024) in the classic RAL color chart. Aref Chemical, the largest manufacturer of plastic and semi-plastic paints in Iran, provides all your needs of color selection and building painting in line with modern technology. Stay with us.


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House Color, The factors of choosing the best room color! Tue, 05 Dec 2023 13:08:39 +0000 House Color Choice

House color choice depends on the taste, dimensions, and color of the household items. Choosing the best colors for different parts of the house involves a combination of personal preferences, the purpose of the space, and some basic principles of color theory. In this article, we are trying to give tips that will help you choose the best color for different rooms of your home.

1. Room Usage

. Living Room Color

Living room color. The best color for living room

This room is a central and public space for socializing, and most of the family members’ time is spent there. Using neutral or warm colors such as cream, light gray, or soft blue can create a pleasant atmosphere in the living room.

. Kitchen

Kitchen color. The best color for kitchen

It is better to consider bright and energizing colors such as yellow, red, or orange for the home kitchen. These colors can stimulate the appetite and create a lively environment for the lady of the house.

. Bedroom

Bedroom color. The best color for bedroom

Soothing colors such as light blue, light green, pink, or neutral colors for the bedroom can be the best choice. These colors can induce relaxation and better sleep.

. Workroom

Workroom color. The best color for workroom

Workroom color that increases concentration and productivity. Soft green, blue, or neutral colors such as white and gray that do not draw your attention too much can be a good option for your workroom at home.

. Child Room

Child room color. The best color for children room

The child’s room color is usually dependent according to the gender and age of the children. But in general, try to use happy and uplifting colors for the child’s room. Colors such as yellow, orange, red, pink, blue, and purple are ideal options for children’s room color.

2. Room Size and House Color

Light colors make rooms appear larger, while dark colors can make a room feel cozier. If you have a small room, consider lighter colors to create the illusion of more space.

3. Room Lighting

Natural and artificial light can significantly affect the effect and appearance of a color. Test color swatches in different lighting conditions to see how they look day and night. Then choose the best color for the room according to the lighting of the house and the direction of natural light during the day.

Home lighting plays an important role in how colors are perceived in a space. The type, intensity, and color temperature of light sources can significantly affect how colors appear. Here are some considerations about the effect of home lighting on house color selection:

1. Natural Light

Colors can look different in natural daylight compared to artificial light. Consider the orientation of your windows and how sunlight enters the room during the day. North-facing rooms usually receive cooler light, while south-facing rooms may receive warmer light.

2. Artificial Light

. Incandescent lamps

These lamps emit warm and yellow light. Wall color may appear more saturated and warmer under incandescent lights.

. Fluorescent lamps

Fluorescent light has a cold, bluish tint and affects how you perceive colors. Some people do not like this light because it’s very pleasant.

. LED lamps

LED light is available in different color temperatures from warm to cold. Choose LED bulbs with a color temperature that complements your house color scheme.

3. Color Temperature

The color temperature of light is measured in Kelvin (K). Warmer temperatures (around 2700K-3000K) evoke a cozy and pleasant atmosphere, while cooler temperatures (above 4000K) create an energetic and modern feel.

4. Light Intensity

The light intensity can affect color perception. High light can make colors appear more vibrant, while low light may make colors appear muted or dull.

5. Light Reflection

Light-colored walls reflect more light and make the space brighter. Dark walls absorb more light and create a more cozy atmosphere. If a room has limited natural light, using lighter colors can help increase the light effect of the room.

6. House Color Test

Always test color swatches in a real room and different lighting conditions. Wall colors may look different in-store compared to your home.

7. Brightness Layer

Combine different light sources like LED, lamp, etc. to get the best house color. This can create a balanced and dynamic lighting environment and increase the attractiveness of room color.

4. Consistent Color Scheme

Create a color palette that flows well from room to room. Use a base color for most parts of the house and then make it pop by adding bright shades or contrasts in different areas.

5. The 60-30-10 Rule in House Color

Choose a dominant color that covers about 60% of the space. Choose a secondary color for about 30% of the home’s space. In the remaining 10%, use distinctive colors to create highlights. This helps to maintain balance and visual appeal.

6. Architecture and Style

The architectural style of your home can affect the choice of house color. Traditional homes are usually better suited with classic colors, while modern homes look more attractive using bold or minimalist palettes.

7. Painting Samples

Always test paint samples on a small section of the wall before committing to an entire room. Colors can look different in a small sample compared to the whole wall.

8. Personal Preferences

In the end, what is effective in choosing your best house color is your interests and preferences. Choose room colors that you like and feel comfortable with.

9. Online Tools

Many paint brands offer tools or online programs that allow you to view different wall colors in a room. This software can help you a lot in visualizing the house colors in your desired space.

10. Be Up to Date

In choosing the best color for your home or workplace, take advantage of new ideas and classic color tables that are updated annually. By choosing modern and new colors, you will find your home or office pleasant and stylish for years.

Remember that the things mentioned are general guidelines and there are no hard and fast rules for choosing colors for your home. So trust your instinct and choose the colors that make you feel happy and comfortable in your living space.


Aref Chemical is an experienced and honest consultant in choosing the best color for your home. Our colleagues are ready to answer your questions 24 hours a day.

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Resin Types and Applications, Natural Vs Synthetic Resin Thu, 16 Nov 2023 15:57:08 +0000 Resin, What is resin?

Resin refers to a group of solid or highly viscous substances of plant or synthetic origin. These materials are usually transparent or semi-transparent and have hardening properties.

Resins are used in a variety of applications including arts, crafts, construction, medicine, and industrial processes. They are classified into two main types: natural and synthetic.

Natural resin:

  • Plant resins:

The sap produced by certain plants such as the pine tree is known as the most famous plant resin. This type has been used throughout history for various purposes, including varnishes and adhesives.

  • Gum resins:

This type of resin is a mixture of vegetable and gum. One of the well-known examples of this is frankincense, which is obtained from Boswellia trees.

Synthetic or polymer resins:

Polymer resins are man-made through chemical processes. This material is widely produced for various applications. The most famous polymer resins are epoxy, polyester, and polyurethane. These synthetics are often used as adhesives, coatings, and molding compounds.

1- Epoxy:

Epoxy resins are known for their strong adhesion, high chemical resistance, and excellent durability. It works through a chemical reaction with a hardening agent. This type is used for various purposes such as adhesives, coatings, laminates, and in the production of composite materials.

2- Polyester:

Polyester resins are actually thermoset polymers that are made through a chemical reaction. This material shows good chemical resistance and is often used in combination with fiberglass to make composite materials.

Its Applications are commonly used in boat building, automotive applications, and making various molded products.

3- Polyurethane:

Polyurethane resins are versatile and have a wide range of properties. This material can be hard or flexible and is known for its high durability, impact resistance, and elasticity. It is used in coatings, adhesives, sealants, flexible foams, and various molding products.

4- Acrylic:

Acrylic resins are thermoplastic or thermoset polymers with good clarity, weather resistance, and UV stability. They can be molded and have excellent color retention. They are usually used in paints, adhesives, coatings, and in the production of acrylic glass (plexiglass).

5- Polyvinyl chloride (PVC):

PVC is a widely used thermoplastic resin known for its versatility, chemical resistance, and durability. PVC is usually used in pipes, cable insulation, clothes, inflatable structures, and all kinds of consumer goods.

6- Phenolic:

Phenolic resins are thermoset polymers with excellent thermal resistance, electrical insulation properties, and good strength. They are used in the production of molded products, laminates, and adhesives, especially in electrical applications.


These 6 types of polymer resins mentioned are the most famous examples of synthetic with special properties and for different applications. The choice it depends on the properties desired for a particular application such as adhesion, flexibility, transparency, or heat resistance.

In arts and crafts, the resin is commonly used to create glossy coatings on surfaces, encase objects, and create various art forms. In the construction industry, these may be used in composite materials for added strength and durability. In the field of medicine, special resins are used to fill teeth and prostheses. The specific properties and uses of it depend on its composition and intended use.

Applications in the paint industry

These materials have important uses in the paint industry and help formulate coatings with specific properties and performance characteristics. Different types of this material are used in paints, the choice of which depends on the desired properties of the final coating. Choosing the right one can play a significant role in the stability of it in question. Here are some of the common uses of resin in the paint industry:

  • Color base:

Resins act as a base material that holds pigments and other paint components together. They form a continuous layer on the painted surface and provide uniformity and cohesion to the coating.

  • Stickiness:

Resins increase the adhesion of the paint to the substrate (such as wood, metal, or concrete) and protect the paint from peeling or separating from the surface.

  • Durability and weather resistance:

Some resins contribute to the durability and resistance of the paint to certain weather conditions. They can protect the painted surface from environmental factors such as sunlight, moisture, and pollutants and prevent surface rusting.

  • Chemical resistance:

These materials can increase the chemical resistance of the paint and make it suitable for applications where the painted surface may come into contact with various chemicals or solvents.

  • flexibility:

Some resins increase the flexibility of the paint and prevent it from cracking or chipping on the applied surface. This feature is especially important in situations where the painted surface may experience movement or expansion and contraction.

  • Gloss and shine:

They affect the gloss of the paint. Different resins can be used to achieve different finishes, from high gloss to matte, allowing for aesthetic customization.

  • Quick drying:

Some types of this material help to reduce the drying time of the paint. These materials are often desirable in industrial or commercial applications where quick drying is essential.

  • Scratch resistance:

They can increase the scratch resistance of paint and create a protective layer. This feature helps maintain the appearance of the coated surface for a long time.

  • UV Stability:

UV-resistant resins are used to protect the paint and the underlying layer from the damaging effects of ultraviolet (UV) rays. This prevents fading and spoiling of the color and its underlying surface.

The common types of these materials used in the paint industry are acrylic, alkyd, epoxy, polyurethane, etc. The choice of resin depends on the intended application of the paint, the substrate, and the characteristics desired for the coating.


For more information about a variety of chemical products, including adhesives, primers, alkyd primers, anti-rust, and raw materials, visit Aref Chemical’s website. Also, follow our page on Instagram and learn about the latest news and special sales festivals of this company.

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What is Anti-Rust? Types and Applications Thu, 02 Nov 2023 17:00:14 +0000 What is Anti-rust?

Anti-rust is a type of paint or coating that protects iron and steel from corrosion. These paints usually contain various components that are specifically resistant to environmental elements such as moisture, air, acids, or bases.

Anti-rust is mainly used in fields such as metal industries, construction, automotive, industrial equipment, and household items. The use of stainless steel (steel) is not economical in many industries due to its very high price. So, they use all kinds of chemical anti-rust coatings to prevent corrosion and rotting of steel as an effective material.

These paints often contain metal pigments and other additives that help to create a protective coating against iron oxidation on the surfaces. The process of applying these coatings can be different depending on the surface and desired, but in general, it includes cleaning and plastering the surface before applying the stainless paint.

It is important to note that although anti-rust paint can create a metallic appearance, it does not have the same physical properties as true stainless steel. Therefore, it may not have the level of durability, corrosion resistance, or other performance characteristics associated with authentic stainless steel.

anti-rust application and uses in different industries

Anti-rust ingredients:

The composition of an excellent anti-rust coating should generally have characteristics such as high surface adhesion, color durability, and most importantly, resistance to environmental factors such as humidity and temperature. Below are some of these compounds:

  1. Pigments: Colored particles or pigments usually include metal particles such as nickel, chrome, or aluminum metals and apply the desired color to our coating.
  2. Resins: The part of the paint that sticks to the surface after drying and increases the durability of the paint are resins. There are different types of resin such as epoxy, polyester, and polyamide.
  3. Solvents: Solvents are used to maintain and uniformly combine the resin and pigments in the product. Also, solvents evaporate quickly after the paint is applied to the surface, helping the paint to dry quickly.
  4. Anti-corrosive additives: Some compounds such as phosphates, chromates, or protective resins containing chromium or zinc that increase corrosion resistance are used in anti-rusts.
  5. Additives: fillers, impregnating agents, and anti-foaming agents are also added as additives to stainless paint compounds.

anti-rust types and their materials

Anti-rust types:

The types of stainless coating may be different according to the type of use, environment, and desired technical characteristics. Some of the types of stainless paints are:

  • Epoxy Paints:

This type of paint is made on the basis of epoxy resin and is resistant to corrosion and rust. This type of paint is usually used in industrial environments and can protect the target surface well against chemicals and mechanical pressure.

This type of paint is based on polyurethane resin and some of its characteristics are resistance to sunlight, resistance to rust, and resistance to chemicals. These colors are usually used in the interior and exterior decoration of the building.

  • Coil Coatings:

This type of paint is suitable for covering metals such as steel, aluminum, and galvanized steel. This cover consists of different technologies such as polyester, polyurethane, or fluoropolymer.

  • Stainless spray paint:

These types of paints are mainly used for quick coverage and small surfaces. They may come in different forms such as metallic colors or stainless colors.

  • Stainless powder coating:

This type of anti-rust is presented in the form of powder and after spreading on the surface, they are fixed by heat. They usually offer high resistance to corrosion and environmental conditions.

Each of these types of colors may be suitable for certain applications, and choosing the right type depends on the specific needs of the project and environmental conditions.

The most popular anti-rust:

Choosing the color of the anti-rust cover depends on your taste. But the place used and the final cover of Shamaf’s work will have a great impact on its selection. In Iran, red or ocher stainless is more popular. Below we mention a number of anti-rust agents in terms of their color:

  • Metallic: Rust-proof colors with a metallic effect, such as steel or aluminum, usually have a lot of appeal and are very popular for interior and exterior decoration.
  • White: This color is chosen as a classic and clean option in many cases of stainless steel. This color helps to clean and brighten rooms and surfaces.
  • Black: It is popular as a stylish and modern color in interior and exterior decoration. Also, anti-corrosion coatings with this color are used in many household products and equipment.
  • Gray: Gray stainless paint is used as a neutral background color in decoration and has good harmony with other colors.
  • Red: Ocher anti-rust looks very warm and pleasant in some environments and is usually used under metal frames and iron doors and windows.


Aref Chemical, a provider of red and gray anti-rust products under the Aref brand, is one of the largest producers of this product in Iran. Also, the products of this company are exported to many countries of the world. For information on the latest prices and partial orders, you can contact us through Aref Chemical’s Instagram page or our website.

Our colleagues will respond 24 hours a day to provide free advice and place your order.

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color paste, Production method and its applications in industry Tue, 26 Sep 2023 16:09:51 +0000 What is color paste?

Color paste refers to a thick-colored substance that contains pigments or dyes. This material is used to paint or decorate different surfaces. Also, this product is used in different industries and for different purposes.

The uses of color paste are very diverse. As:

  • Use in arts and crafts:

In arts and crafts, this paste is used in techniques such as screen printing or block printing. Also, artists and painters use this product to create attractive and detailed designs on fabric, paper, canvas, and other materials.

  • Application in hair color:

In the beauty and fashion industry, this substance can be used as a raw material in all kinds of hair colors. Hair color paste is a semi-permanent or temporary hair color that comes in the form of a paste or cream and is applied to the hair to change its color temporarily. This type of hair dye causes less damage to the hair compared to permanent dyes.

  • Color paste in the food industry:

In the food industry, this type of dough can be used for edible purposes. This product is often used in baking and decorating cakes and for coloring fondant, frosting, or other edible ingredients. The paste form allows precise color control when creating decorative elements on cakes and pastries.

  • Application in industrial and production uses:

In industry and production, this type of paint is used to color various products, including paints, coatings, plastics, and inks. These colored pastes are often very thick and are mixed with base materials to achieve the desired color.

ingredients of color paste and pigment paste

What are the ingredients of color paste?

The composition of this paste can be very different depending on its intended use, but here we mention some of the common compounds and components found in this product:

  1. Pigments: The primary colors in this product are created with the help of pigments. Pigments are solid and insoluble particles that produce color by reflecting and absorbing light. Colors are soluble substances that create color through chemical interactions with the substance on which it is applied. The choice between pigments and dyes depends on the specific application of the color paste.
  2. Color base or carrier: This paste needs a raw material to carry pigments or colors that allow these materials to be mixed on that substrate. Depending on the type of paste, the base material can be water, oil, solvent, or a specialized adhesive. For example, in water-based color pastes, water acts as the main base.
  3. Thickeners and stabilizers: Thickeners and stabilizers are used for the consistency of the paste and to prevent pigments or colors from settling in the base. Common thickeners include cellulose derivatives, acrylic polymers, or natural gums such as guar gum. Stabilizers help maintain color uniformity and prevent them from separating.
  4. Modifiers: Depending on the application, various modifiers may be added to this material to enhance its properties. For example, in the food industry, food coloring pastes usually contain ingredients such as glycerin or corn syrup to improve texture.
  5. Preservatives and antioxidants: In some cases, preservatives and antioxidants are added to the paste to increase its shelf life and maintain color stability over time.
  6. Fillers: In certain applications, paint pastes may contain fillers or extenders to reduce cost and increase product volume. These filters are usually inert substances that do not have a significant effect on the properties of the paint.

It is important to note that the specific formulation of paint paste can vary significantly depending on its intended use. For example, the color paste used in the food industry will have different compositions compared to the color paste used in the paint or printing industry.

Manufacturers produce formulations that meet the requirements of color intensity, stability, application method, and safety standards specific to their industry and product.

paste with pigment in art and industry

What is the method of making color paste using pigments?

Making this material using pigments usually involves mixing the pigments with a suitable binder or carrier to create a consistent, easy-to-use colorant. The exact method can vary depending on the specific application and industry, but here is a general outline of the process:

  • Pigments: Choose pigments based on the desired color and the properties of the paste. Pigments exist in various forms such as powder, paste, or dispersion.
  • Base Material: Select the appropriate binder or carrier medium based on the intended use of the final product. Common options include water, oil, solvents, or specialty adhesives for specific applications.
  • Thickeners: The use of these is optional but may be necessary to achieve the desired consistency and consistency of the paint paste.
  • Mixing equipment: You need equipment such as a mixer or a suitable container to mix the ingredients.

Steps of making color paste using pigments:

  1. Measuring pigments: Start by measuring the right amount of pigments needed to achieve the desired color intensity. The amount of pigment used depends on the concentration of the particular pigment and the strength of the color you want to achieve.
  2. Prepare the carrier medium: Depending on your application, you can choose a suitable base such as water, oil, or solvent. For example, in the case of oil-based dough, you should start with oil.
  3. Mix the pigments and the base material: gradually add the measured pigments to the base and mix continuously. It is important to add the pigments slowly to avoid clumping and ensure even dispersion. Use appropriate safety measures such as wearing protective clothing, as some pigments may pose a health hazard if inhaled or in direct contact with the skin.
  4. Add thickeners or stabilizers (if needed): If the paint paste needs a thicker consistency or better consistency, add thickeners and stabilizers as recommended by the manufacturer. Thickeners can help achieve the desired paste consistency. Stabilizers also prevent pigment from settling in the foundation.
  5. Mix thoroughly: Continue to mix the ingredients until you get a smooth and uniform color. This process may take some time. It is necessary to ensure the uniform dispersion of pigments in the base.
  6. Test and Adjust: Test a small amount of the resulting material to make sure it meets your color and application requirements. If necessary, add more pigment or base material to achieve the desired color and consistency.
  7. Packaging and storage: After you are satisfied with the properties of the final product, pack it in suitable containers. Store the paint paste according to the manufacturer’s recommendations, taking into account factors such as temperature and shelf life.

Specific details and requirements for making paint paste can be different according to the scope of intended uses and relevant industry standards. Note that when working with pigments and chemicals, especially if you are dealing with potentially hazardous materials, be sure to follow safety guidelines and manufacturer’s instructions.

10 applications of color paste in industries

What are the uses of paint paste in the industry?

Paint paste is known as pigment paste or pigment paste in the paint and coating industry. This paste formulation contains pigments and adhesives and is used for a wide range of industrial applications due to its unique properties. Here are some common uses of this material in the industry:

  • Production of paint and coating: This material is used as a base for the production of all kinds of paint and coating. Manufacturers can customize these pastes by adding pigments, extenders, and special additives to achieve the color, texture, and special characteristics they desire. It acts as a concentrated source of color and can be easily incorporated into a variety of color formulations.
  • Printing inks: In the printing industry, especially in offset and gravure printing, this product is used to produce high-quality inks. These inks are used for printing on various materials such as paper, cardboard, plastic, and packaging materials. This product provides the possibility of accurate and stable color matching in large-scale printing operations.
  • Fabric Printing: Fabric manufacturers use this material to create vivid and durable printed designs on fabrics. This material is applied through various printing methods such as screen printing or rotary printing on textile materials. The use of this product provides the possibility for complex and precise designs and at the same time guarantees color stability and durability.
  • Construction Industry: In the construction industry, this paste is used to paint building materials such as plaster, concrete, mortar, and grout. This method allows builders and contractors to achieve specific aesthetic and functional requirements for construction projects, such as colored concrete or decorative coatings.
  • Automotive industry: Paint paste is an integral part of automotive paint production. This material helps car manufacturers to achieve stable and high-quality colors on cars. Car paints must have exact standards for durability, weather resistance, and appearance, and therefore this material plays an important role in meeting these requirements.
  • Furniture and wood coatings: This product is used to create wood stains, varnishes, and coatings for furniture and wood products. This material allows manufacturers to offer a wide range of wood coatings, colors, and effects, improving the appearance and protection of wood surfaces.
  • Industrial Coatings: Various industrial applications require specialized coatings for corrosion protection, chemical resistance, or other special purposes. Color paste is used to formulate custom coatings that meet these unique needs.
  • Aerospace and marine coatings: In industries such as aerospace and marine industries, coatings must withstand extreme environmental conditions. This type of paste is used to create coatings that are not only protective but also visually appealing and allow naming and identification.
  • Packaging materials: This material is used to color packaging materials such as films and plastic containers to increase their visual appeal and branding. This is especially important for consumer products where packaging beauty plays an important role in marketing.
  • Specialty Applications: This specialty product can be used for many specialty applications, including anti-graffiti coatings, road markings, safety coatings, and more. The use of paint paste in these industries shows its versatility and importance in achieving the desired appearance, protection, and performance of products and different surfaces.

Buy color paste from Aref Chemical:

With years of experience in the paint and pigment paste industry, Aref Chemical has offered very high-quality products to the market. Glue, paint, and pigment paste products with Aref and Hisense brands of the highest quality and exceptional prices can compete with the biggest foreign brands in various industries.

We suggest you visit our products page. Also, by following Aref Chemical’s page on Instagram, find out about the latest news and events in this industry. Our colleagues are responsive to your needs, esteemed customers, and around the clock.

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